

Bortvalg av videregående skole og mestringstro : En kvalitativ studie av unge jenter som har valgt å slutte på videregående skole

Hege Hovland


high schoolME504VDP::Medisinske Fag: 700::Helsefag: 800sosial kognitiv teoribortvalgeducationBanduraSocial Cognitive TheoryVDP::Samfunnsvitenskap: 200::Psykologi: 260videregående skolemestringstrodropoutself-efficacy


Masteroppgave psykisk helsearbeid ME504 - Universitetet i Agder 2017 The projects background is a request from the University of Agder to look for reasons why some girls may choose to drop out of high school focusing on their relationship with their contact or main teacher. The purpose of this study is to explore what role self-efficacy has in the effort to increase the percentage of children an adolescents completing high school. It has been important to search for previous experiences to find out why their self-efficacy is at such a low level and if it can have affected their decision to drop out of high school. The issue is: ”which experiences can influence the decision of dropping out of high school?” The study has a qualitative, exploratory design with an inductive approach. The method I used for analyzing was a classic analysis model where the data from eight interviews was coded to look for spesific patterns. The theory used in this study is relational theory, social cognitive 2 theory and Abert Bandura´s self-efficacy theory. The findings in the study was not clear, but indicated that the girls had little self-efficacy. They had not mastered life to this point, and high school was no exception. It is concluded that early efforts in providing young people with self-efficacy will increase the graduation rate at high school. Keywords: Bandura, Social Cognitive Theory, self-efficacy, dropout, high school
