

Towards water operations of the future.

Mannina G.


Settore ICAR/03 - Ingegneria Sanitaria-Ambientalesmart water decsion support probe sensors


Nowadays multiple use of “smart” word is provided in many fields including research. Sometimes it is a synonym for chic, elegant or straight. A smart water system is not the same as an elegant, glamorous or fashionable system. Instead it operates to fulfil the requirements of producing an acceptable product while keeping the energy and resource requirements at a minimum. However, while cost savings has up until recently been our primary aim of making water and wastewater operations more efficient, there is now a more pressing agenda of sustainability driving the smart agenda. The primary aim of developing our utilities into a higher level of smart is hence moving from a singular focus on cost savings to making our water infrastructure adapt and interface seamlessly and sustainably with the natural water systems we depend on and operate inside.
