

[A composite indicator for maternity hospital classification].

Giovanna FantaciMauro FerranteGiuseppe EttoreSalvatore Scondotto


AdultPatient TransferRegionalizationEpidemiologyCesarean SectionPublic Health Environmental and Occupational HealthInfant NewbornMaternity hospitalHospitals MaternityPatient ReadmissionHealthcare services evaluationLogistic ModelsPregnancyIntensive Care Units NeonatalHumansFemaleSettore SECS-S/05 - Statistica SocialeComposite indicatorSicilyProcedures and Techniques UtilizationQuality Indicators Health CareQuality of Health Care


OBJECTIVES: to propose a composite indicator for maternity hospital classification. DESIGN: descriptive analysis of maternity hospitals through a composite indicator and analysis of its association with infant readmissions within 30 days from the childbirth. SETTING AND PARTICIPANTS: 56 maternity units in Sicily, accounting for 44.436 newborns in 2014. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: infant readmission rates within 30 days from the childbirth. RESULTS: low-level hospitals show higher infant readmission rates (odds ratio: 1.3) which may be seen as a signal of inappropriateness of maternity care. CONCLUSIONS: the proposed indicator allows for a classification of maternity hospitals taking into account for different dimensions of the quality of care; it allows the identification of critical signals related to the considered dimensions.
