

La territorialisation comme condition de durabilité des organisations

Benoit Pigé


NormesStakeholdersOrganisationTerritoire[SHS.GESTION]Humanities and Social Sciences/Business administrationTerritory[SHS.GESTION] Humanities and Social Sciences/Business administrationInstitutionsParties prenantesDurabilityOrganizationDurabilité


Insertion in territories allows an organization to cope with environmental and cultural changes, because territorial insertion allows face-to-face. This face-to-face depends on actors’ personal commitments but it can be facilitated or hindered by existing structures and institutions. A fossilized organization becomes incapable of adapting to environmental changes or to distinct institutional contexts. As the organization focuses on abstract issues, the concrete satisfaction of stakeholders is ignored for the benefit of a statistical representation which focuses on past realities. Reconstructing the face-to-face transforms the figured representation because the face-to-face brings additional meaning to abstract representations, it makes singularwhat was only a concept.
