

SOPHO-NET – Forschungsverbund zur Psychotherapie der Sozialen Phobie

Manfred E. BeutelGodehard WenigerSimone SalzerEric LeibingTherese De LizKatrin Von ConsbruchJörg WiltinkFalk LeichsenringHans-helmut KönigMirjana RuhlederStephan HerpertzEva IrleStefan Viktor VormfeldePeter JoraschkyWolfgang HillerBjörn NoltingKarin PöhlmannUlrike WillutzkiBernhard StraußJürgen HoyerJohannes HüsingHenning SchauenburgClaudia Subic-wranaUlrich StangierAlexander Konnopka


Psychodynamic psychotherapyPsychotherapistNetwork onmedicine.medical_treatment05 social sciences050108 psychoanalysis030227 psychiatry3. Good healthlaw.inventionCognitive behavioral therapy03 medical and health sciencesPsychiatry and Mental healthClinical Psychology0302 clinical medicineRandomized controlled triallawMulti center studyAttachment theorymedicine0501 psychology and cognitive sciencesPsychologyApplied PsychologyClinical psychology


This paper presents the Social Phobia Psychotherapy Research Network (SOPHO-NET). SOPHO-NET is among the five research networks on psychotherapy funded by "Bundesministerium fur Bildung und Forschung". The research program encompasses a coordinated group of studies of social phobia. In the central project (Study A), a multi-center randomized controlled trial, refined models of manualized cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and manualized short-term psychodynamic psychotherapy (STPP) are compared in the treatment of social phobia. A sample of n=512 outpatients will be randomized to either CBT, STPP or wait list. For quality assurance and treatment integrity, a specific project has been established (Project Q). Study A is complemented by four interrelated projects focusing on attachment style (Study B1), cost-effectiveness (Study B2), polymorphisms in the serotonin transporter gene (Study C1) and on structural and functional deviations of hippocampus and amygdala (Study C2). Thus, the SOPHO-NET program allows for a highly interdisciplinary research of psychotherapy in social phobia.
