

Food Sources for Benthic Grazers in Trophic Networks of Macrophyte Habitats in a Transitional Baltic Ecosystem

Rasa MorkūnėMartynas BučasMarija KataržytėTobia PolitiDiana VaičiūtėSalvatrice VizziniGeorg Martin


Settore BIO/07 - Ecologiastable isotope ; charophytes ; pondweeds ; grazersstable isotope charophytes pondweeds grazersGeography Planning and Developmentstable isotope; charophytes; pondweeds; grazersAquatic ScienceBiochemistryWater Science and Technology


In this study, we provide insights into that characteristics of two sites representing different conditions of productivity and salinity impact on trophic network structures of macrophyte habitats and diet of benthic grazers at the active vegetation period in the Curonian Lagoon (southeastern Baltic Sea). Regarding the epiphytic growth, macrophytes were more overgrown in the relatively less productive (northern) site with a muddy bottom and more frequent marine water inflow than in the (southern) site with higher productivity and freshwater sandy habitat. Stable isotope analysis revealed that organisms’ samples from the northern site were more enriched with the heavier carbon isotopes, but depleted in the heavier nitrogen isotopes than those from the southern site. Gastropods and amphipods mainly consumed sedimentary organic matter in the southern site, while they grazed epiphytes together with sedimentary organic matter in the northern site. Although to a low extent, gastropods consumed more charophytes than pondweeds in the southern site. This study contributes to a better understanding of the functioning and structure of lagoonal systems, highlighting the importance, often overlooked, of the benthic compartment, which, however, may have a relevant influence on the productivity of the whole system.
