

Relevance of Broad-Leaved Forest Stands for Maintaining Epiphytic Bryophyte Species and Functional Trait Diversity in Forest Landscape in Latvia

Līga StrazdiņaLinda Gerra-inohosa


GeographyEcologymedia_common.quotation_subjectTraitForest landscapeBryophyteRelevance (information retrieval)EpiphyteDiversity (politics)media_common


Abstract Broad-leaved trees play an important role in supporting epiphyte richness in deciduous forests. In this study we tested which broad-leaved forest stands in terms of tree composition best predicted biodiversity in regard to bryophyte species number and their functional traits. The bryoflora was surveyed in 70 stands differing in dominant broad-leaved tree species. One circular plot with diameter 30 meters was established in each stand situated in different parts of Latvia. Fifty-three of the plots were located in stands identified as protected habitats of the European Union. In total, 82 bryophyte species were recorded. At plot level the total number of species ranged between 6 and 38 species. Using principal component analysis (PCA), the ordination axes explained 41% of the variation in composition of bryophytes. The PCA axes were related to tree species composition. The presence of broad-leaved trees, especially ash, lime, and oak, was connected with higher species richness. Generalised linear models confirmed that epiphyte richness, both at the total and indicator species levels, was higher in ash stands. From the functional traits, all expected life-strategy and life-form categories were recorded. The most represented life-forms were smooth mats, tall turfs, and rough mats, while the dominant life-strategy was perennial stayers, followed by competitive perennials and long-lived shuttles. Functional trait richness was highest in Fraxinus excelsior, Tilia cordata, and Quercus robur forest stands.
