

Unfolding Cyberspace: A Phenomenological Approach to Cyberplace, Technology, and Community

Tobias Boos


Technological changeContemporary lifeSociologyCyberspaceSocial psychologyPhenomenology (psychology)Existential phenomenologyEpistemology


In this chapter, a possible phenomenology of the cyberspaces of the World Wide Web is outlined. Recent studies have suggested that concepts of existential phenomenology can provide convincing perspectives on cyberspace that enable a deep understanding of contemporary life, characterised by an increased blending of humans and modern technology . Based on the notions of “coming-to-the-world” coined by Peter Sloterdijk and “inhabiting ” from Tim Ingold , this chapter shows how we can conceive of the emergence of cyberplace s as a by-product of the process of unlocking cyberspace by inhabiting the contemporary world. This perspective also incorporates arguments from Actor-Network Theory and can be combined with up-to-date concepts of community as they relate to technological changes in the globalised world.
