Anisotropy and chemical composition of ultra-high energy cosmic rays using arrival directions measured by the Pierre Auger Observatory
P AbreuM AgliettaEj AhnJfm AlbuquerqueD AllardI AllekotteJ AllenP AllisonJa CastiloJ Alvarez MunizM AmbrosioA AminaeiL AnchordoquiS AndringaT AnticicA AnzaloneC AramoE ArgandaF ArquerosH AsoreyP AssisJ AublinM AveN AvenierG AvilaT BackerM BalzerKb BarberAf BarbosaR BardenetSlc BarrosoB BaughmanJ BaumlJj BeattyBr BeckerKh BeckerA BelletoileJa BellidoS BenzviC BeratX BertouPl BiermannP BilloirF BlancoM BlancoC BleveH BlumerM BohacovaD BoncioliC BonifaziR BoninoN BorodaiJ BrackP BrogueiraWc BrownR BruijnP BuchholzA BuenoRe Burton Caballero Mora KsL CarameteRossella CarusoA CastellinaO CatalanoG CataldiL CazonR CesterJ ChauvinSh ChengA ChiavassaJa ChinellatoA ChouJ ChudobaRw ClayMr ColucciaR ConceicaoF ContrerasH CookMj CooperJ CoppensA CordierU CottiS CoutuCe CovaultA CreusotA CrissJ CroninA CurutiuS Dagoret CampagneR DallierS DassoK DaumillerBr Dawson De Almeida RmM De DomenicoC De Donato De Jong SjG De La Vega De Mello WjmJrtd NetoI De MitriV De Souza De Vries KdG DecerpritL Del PeralO DelignyH DembinskiN DhitalC Di GiulioJc DiazMld CastroPn DiepC DobrigkeitW DoctersJc D'olivoPn DongA Dorofeev Dos Anjos JcMt DovaD D'ursoI DutanJ EbrR EngelM ErdmannCo EscobarA EtchegoyenPfs LuisIf TapiaH FalckeG FarrarAc FauthN FazziniAp FergusonA FerreroB FickA FilevichA FilipcicS FliescherCe FracchiollaEd FraenkelU FrohlichB FuchsR GaiorRf GamarraS GambettaB GarciaDg GamezD Garcia PintoA GasconH GemmekeK GesterlingPl GhiaU GiaccariM GillerH GlassMs GoldG GolupFg AlbarracinMg BerissoP GoncalvesD GonzalezJg GonzalezB GookinD GoraA GorgiP GouffonSr GozziniE GrashornS GrebeN GriffithM GrigatAf GrilloY GuardincerriF GuarinoGp GuedesA GuzmanJd HagueP HansenD HarariS HarmsmaJl HartonA HaungsT HebbekerD HeckAe HerveC HojvatN HollonVc HolmesP HomolaJr HorandelA HornefferM HrabovskyT HuegeAntonio InsoliaF IonitaA ItalianoC JarneS JiraskovaK KadijaKh KampertP KarhanP KasperB KeglB KeilhauerA KeivaniJl KelleyE KempRm KieckhaferHo KlagesM KleifgesJ KleinfellerJ KnappDh KoangK KoteraN KrohmO KromerD Kruppke HansenF KuehnD KuempelJk KulbartzN KunkaG La RosaC LachaudP LautridouMsab LeaoD LebrunP Lebrun De Oliveira MalA LemiereA Letessier SelvonI Lhenry YvonK LinkR LopezAl AgueraK LouedecJl BahiloA LuceroM LudwigH LyberisMc MaccaroneC MacolinoS MalderaD MandatP MantschAg MariazziJ MarinV MarinIc MarisHrm FalconG MarsellaD MartelloL MartinH MartinezOm BravoHj MathesJ MatthewsJaj MatthewsG MatthiaeD MaurizioPo MazurG Medina TancoM MelissasD MeloE MenichettiA MenshikovP MertschC MeurerS MicanovicMi MichelettiW MillerL MiramontiS MollerachM MonasorDm RagaigneF MontanetB MoralesC MorelloE MorenoJc MorenoC MorrisM MostafaCa MouraS MuellerMa MullerG MullerM MunchmeyerR MussaG NavarraJl NavarroS NavasP NecesalL NellenA NellesPt NhungL NiemietzN NierstenhoeferD NitzD NosekL NozkaM NyklicekJ OehlschlagerA OlintoP Oliva Olmos Gilbaja VmM OrtizN Pacheco Selmi Dei DpM PalatkaJ PallottaN PalmieriG ParenteE ParizotA ParraRd ParsonsS PastorT PaulM PechJ PekalaR PelayoIm PepeL PerroneR PesceE PetermannS PetreraP PetrincaA PetroliniY PetrovJ PetrovicC PfendnerN PhanR PiegaiaT PierogP PieroniM PimentaValerio PirronelloM PlatinoVh PonceM PontzP PriviteraM ProuzaEj QuelS QuerchfeldJ RautenbergO RavelD RavignaniB RevenuJ RidkyS RiggiM RisseP RistoriH RiveraV RiziJ RobertsC Robledo De Carvalho WrG RodriguezJr MartinoJr RojoI Rodriguez Cabo Rodriguez Frias MdG RosJ RosadoT RosslerM RothB Rouille D'orfeuilE RouletAc RoveroC RuhleF SalamidaH SalazarG SalinaF SanchezM SantanderCe SantoE SantosEm SantosF SarazinB SarkarS SarkarR SatoN ScharfV ScheriniH SchielerP SchifferA SchmidtF SchmidtT SchmidtO ScholtenH SchoorlemmerJ SchovancovaP SchovanekF SchroderS SchulteD SchusterSj SciuttoM ScuderiA SegretoM SettimoA ShadkamRc ShellardI SidelnikG SiglHhs LopezA SmialkowskiR SmidaGr SnowP SommersJ SorokinH SpinkaR SquartiniJ StapletonJ StasielakM StephanE StrazzeriA StutzF SuarezT SuomijarviAd SupanitskyT SusaMs SutherlandJ SwainZ SzadkowskiM SzubaA TamashiroA TapiaM TartareO TascauCgt RuizR TcaciucD TegoloNt ThaoD ThomasJ TiffenbergC TimmermansDk TiwariW TkaczykCjt PeixotoB TomeA TonachiniP TravnicekDb TridapalliG TristramE TrovatoM TuerosR UlrichM UngerM UrbanJfv GaliciaI ValinoL Valore Van Den Berg AmE VarelaBv CardenasJr VazquezRa VazquezD VebericV VerziJ VichaM VidelaL VillasenorH WahlbergP WahrlichO WainbergD WarnerAa WatsonM WeberK WeidenhauptA WeindlS WesterhoffBj WhelanG WieczorekL WienckeB WilczynskaH WilczynskiM WillC WilliamsT WinchenL WindersMg WinnickM WommerB WundheilerT YamamotoT YapiciP YounkG YuanA YushkovB ZamoranoE ZasD ZavrtanikM ZavrtanikI ZawA ZepedaM. Ziolkowskisubject
ACTIVE GALACTIC NUCLEI[PHYS.ASTR.HE]Physics [physics]/Astrophysics [astro-ph]/High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena [astro-ph.HE]ProtonAstronomyAstrophysics::High Energy Astrophysical PhenomenaFOS: Physical sciencescosmic ray experimentAcceleration (differential geometry)Cosmic rayultra high energy cosmic rays; cosmic ray experimentsultra high energy cosmic rays7. Clean energy01 natural sciencesultra high energy cosmic rayAugerNuclear physics0103 physical sciencesUltra-high-energy cosmic ray010306 general physicsAnisotropyNuclear ExperimentDETECTORHigh Energy Astrophysical Phenomena (astro-ph.HE)PhysicsPierre Auger ObservatorySPECTRUM010308 nuclear & particles physicsPhysics[SDU.ASTR.HE]Sciences of the Universe [physics]/Astrophysics [astro-ph]/High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena [astro-ph.HE]FísicaCharge (physics)Astronomy and Astrophysics13. Climate actionExperimental High Energy PhysicsComputingMethodologies_DOCUMENTANDTEXTPROCESSINGFísica nuclearcosmic ray experimentsAstrophysics - High Energy Astrophysical Phenomenadescription
The Pierre Auger Collaboration has reported evidence for anisotropy in the distribution of arrival directions of the cosmic rays with energies $E>E_{th}=5.5\times 10^{19}$ eV. These show a correlation with the distribution of nearby extragalactic objects, including an apparent excess around the direction of Centaurus A. If the particles responsible for these excesses at $E>E_{th}$ are heavy nuclei with charge $Z$, the proton component of the sources should lead to excesses in the same regions at energies $E/Z$. We here report the lack of anisotropies in these directions at energies above $E_{th}/Z$ (for illustrative values of $Z=6,\ 13,\ 26$). If the anisotropies above $E_{th}$ are due to nuclei with charge $Z$, and under reasonable assumptions about the acceleration process, these observations imply stringent constraints on the allowed proton fraction at the lower energies.
year | journal | country | edition | language |
2011-06-01 | Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics |