

Przeciw dosłowności : Alice Oswald i Ezra Pound jako tłumacze



Alice Oswald’s Memorial. A Version of Homer’s Iliad (2011) may be seen as a culmination of the Modernist idea of what Oswald calls the “irreverent” translation — the one which questions the legitimacy of equivalence and defends the translator’s right to interpret not only words and phrases but also whole texts and their extra-linguistic qualities. Seen in this way, translation is something more than just a literal rendering - it is a creative act that implies a willingness and an ability to reinterpret, and even reinvent, the original work. It is also an invitation to challenge and revise the literary canon, and go beyond traditional ways of perceiving literature. Importantly, such ideas were articulated by Ezra Pound, who saw the process of translation as akin to the processes of preserving and transferring life energy. Oswald has embraced and discussed this vision, addressing her Homeric translations in terms of the Ancient (Greek) notion of energeia.