

Diritto d’asilo. Accessibilità e riciclo dell’ex Asilo Biondo a Danisinni, Palermo

Renzo Antonio Lecardane


Research-action Danisinni relational design social housing right to the city community recycling slumSettore ICAR/14 - Composizione Architettonica E Urbana


There are many virtuous initiatives, national and international, which, starting from school buildings, have aimed at redeveloping some degraded urban spaces through paths aimed at increasing civic sense and social and environmental sensitivity in pupils, parents and citizens. . Reopening schools in neighborhoods characterized by a high school dropout was the goal of the research aimed at making accessible the paths and spaces in school buildings and starting urban and architectural recycling projects in waiting places. The research thus proposed field work in opposition to an ongoing process carried out by the municipal administration of Palermo which identified precisely in obsolete or abandoned kindergartens an easy target for subsequent demolition. This research is the testimony of the cultural battle1 conducted together with the Parish of Sant'Agnese in Danisinni and the associations active in the neighborhood, for the protection and recycling of the former Asilo Biondo (now Galante) in the Danisinni neighborhood. The strategic position of this district between the Royal Palace and the Zisa Castle inserts Danisinni into a broader human and urban redevelopment strategy to be linked to the recent recognition, in 2015, of the Arab-Norman itinerary declared by Unesco "World Heritage Site".
