

Les compétences sociales et la réussite scolaire des élèves de cycle III. L'effet de l'accompagnement scolaire

Agathe Fanchini


Compétence socialeSchool achievementAccompagnement scolaire/Educational support[SHS.EDU]Humanities and Social Sciences/Education[SHS.EDU] Humanities and Social Sciences/EducationCapital humainHuman capital[ SHS.EDU ] Humanities and Social Sciences/EducationSocial skillsRéussite scolaireCompétences socialesAccompagnement scolaire


Differences of achievement in school, traditionally studied by Education researchers, can be analyzed in the light of skills and especially social skills. This scientific field is under construction but social skills still become a "must" for actors of the school system and for Educational Sciences. Through a multidisciplinary approach, this thesis proposes to question the link between social skills and academic achievement of students, taking into account factors related to their various socialization frameworks (family, school, extra-curricular). A reliable analytic tool of social skills (in a sample of 855 students from 7 to 12 years) allows to understand first of all, that inter and intra-individual social skills have an effect on student achievement. The empirical results also show that social skills change over time and are determined by the individual characteristics of students as well as their levels of self-image, report to the school and neuroticism. Finally, the effect of an educational support program on the development of social skills is tested, and the program tends to conform to the institution’s expectations of competitiveness, while not encouraging openness to others and to the world.
