

Pairwise DNA Sequence Alignment Optimization

Yongchao LiuBertil Schmidt


CoprocessorComputer scienceMultithreadingVectorization (mathematics)Parallelism (grammar)SIMDParallel computingHardware_ARITHMETICANDLOGICSTRUCTURESComputerSystemsOrganization_PROCESSORARCHITECTURESIntrinsicsInstruction-level parallelismXeon Phi


This chapter presents a parallel implementation of the Smith-Waterman algorithm to accelerate the pairwise alignment of DNA sequences. This algorithm is especially computationally demanding for long DNA sequences. Parallelization approaches are examined in order to deeply explore the inherent parallelism within Intel Xeon Phi coprocessors. This chapter looks at exploiting instruction-level parallelism within 512-bit single instruction multiple data instructions (vectorization) as well as thread-level parallelism over the many cores (multithreading using OpenMP). Between coprocessors, device-level parallelism through the compute power of clusters including Intel Xeon Phi coprocessors using MPI is harnessed. The code is written in C++ with a set of SIMD intrinsics, OpenMP, and MPI.
