

On Compacta K for Which C(K) Has Some Good Renorming Properties

Aníbal Moltó


PointwiseMathematics::Functional AnalysisPure mathematicsNorm (mathematics)Banach spaceCountable setMathematics


By renorming it is usually meant obtaining equivalent norms in a Banach space with better properties, like being local uniformly rotund (LUR) or Kadets. In these notes we are concerned with C(K) spaces and pointwise lower semicontinuous Kadets or LUR renormings on them. If a C(K) space admits some of such equivalent norms then this space, endowed with the pointwise topology, has a countable cover by sets of small local norm-diameter (SLD). This property may be considered as the topological baseline for the existence of a pointwise lower semicontinuous Kadets, or even LUR renorming, since in many concrete cases it is the first step to obtain such a norm. In these notes we survey some methods, appearing in the literature, to prove that some C(K) spaces have this property.
