

Posterior Lingual Abscess; Report of Two Cases

Miguel Saro-buendíaPedro Suarez UrquizaJudit Amigo GonzálezMaria José Lesmas NavarroMiguel MazónMiguel Armengot Carceller


BocaMedicina d'urgència


The lingual abscess is rare due to several protective mechanisms against infection in this location. Concretely, the abscess in the base of the tongue (posterior lingual abscess) is even more exceptional. Its prompt detection is crucial to avoid potentially fatal airway complications. To familiarize physicians with this condition, we report 2 cases of posterior lingual abscess. Both were referred to our emergency department due to minor oropharyngeal complaints. Finally, both were diagnosed and required surgical drainage. The clinical evolution was successful: both were discharged in less than 72 hours and follow-up one week later confirmed clinical recovery
