

Associations of Classroom Design and Classroom-Based Physical Activity with Behavioral and Emotional Engagement among Primary School Students

Jani HartikainenAnna-maija PoikkeusEero A. HaapalaArja SääkslahtiTaija Finni


opetustilatopintomenestysoppimisympäristövuorovaikutusEnvironmental effects of industries and plantsbehavioral engagementclassroomTJ807-830physical activityschool engagementemotional engagementsitoutuminenTD194-195Renewable energy sourcesEnvironmental sciencesopen learning spacetunteetComputingMilieux_COMPUTERSANDEDUCATIONGE1-350käyttäytymisen psykologiafyysinen aktiivisuus


Educational reforms worldwide have resulted in schools increasingly incorporating open and flexible classroom designs. Open learning spaces may contribute to a student’s behavioral and emotional school engagement directly and by facilitating classroom-based physical activity (CPA). We investigated the associations between accelerometer-assessed CPA and student ratings of task-focused behavior and attitude towards school as indicators for behavioral and emotional engagement, respectively, with the associations of gender, grade, and classroom design on CPA among 206 3rd and 5th grade students in open learning spaces and conventional classrooms. Structural equation modelling showed open classroom design to be directly associated with better attitude towards school (B = −0.336
