

Percepción de las estrategias que emplean los profesores para mantener la disciplina, razones de los alumnos para ser disciplinados y comportamiento en educación física. (Perceived teachers’ strategies to sustain discipline, pupils’ reasons for being disciplined, and pupils’ behavior in physical education).

Melchor Gutiérrez SanmartínEsther López


Sportsmanshipeducación físicalcsh:Sportsdisciplinateoría de la autodeterminaciónself-determination theorylcsh:Geography. Anthropology. RecreationEducational psychologyadolescenteslcsh:Recreation. LeisurePhysical Therapy Sports Therapy and Rehabilitationlcsh:GV1-1860Teacher educationPhysical educationEducational researchlcsh:GV557-1198.995physical educationlcsh:GDeci-Verbal aggressionadolescentsPersonnel psychologydiscipline.PsychologySocial psychology


Este trabajo ha relacionado la percepcion de las estrategias de los profesores para la disciplina, las razones de los alumnos para ser disciplinados y su comportamiento en educacion fisica (EF). Participaron 2189 adolescentes de 13 a 17 anos, que respondieron cuestionarios sobre estrategias para mantener la disciplina, razones para la disciplina y disciplina-indisciplina en EF. La edad y el genero de los alumnos son variables diferenciadoras, mientras que la interaccion genero de los alumnos x genero de los profesores no aporta diferencias significativas. Los analisis de regresion han mostrado que las razones intrinsecas de los alumnos y de los profesores y las razones responsables y de preocupacion por los demas de los alumnos, predicen la disciplina en EF. Por el contrario, los predictores mas importantes de la indisciplina de los alumnos han sido la indiferencia del profesor y la falta de razones de los alumnos para ser disciplinados. Se discuten los resultados en el marco de la teoria de la autodeterminacion y en terminos de aportacion al proceso de ensenanza-aprendizaje de los adolescentes. Palabras clave : adolescentes; educacion fisica; teoria de la autodeterminacion; disciplina. Abstract The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationships among perceived teachers’ strategies to maintain discipline, pupils’ reasons for being disciplined and pupils’ behavior in physical education (PE). A sample of 2189 Spanish adolescents, ages 13 to 17 years, responded questionnaires about strategies to sustain discipline, reasons for being disciplined and self-reported discipline in PE lessons. The pupils’ age and gender were variables that determined the results, while the interaction pupils’ by teachers’ gender did not generate significant differences. The regression analyses show that the better predictors of pupils’ discipline were the pupils’ and teachers’ intrinsic reasons, and the pupils’ caring and responsibility reasons for being disciplined. On the contrary, the most important predictors of pupils’ indiscipline were the teachers’ indifference and pupils’ no reasons for being disciplined. Results are discussed in the self-determination theory framework and practical issues to adolescents’ teaching-learning process. Key words : adolescents; physical education; self-determination theory; discipline. doi:10.5232/ricyde2011.02203 Texto completo: PDF --------------------------------------------------------------------- Referencias/references Bekiari, A.; Kokaridas, D., & Sakellariou, K. (2006). Associations of students’ self-reports of their teachers’ verbal aggression, intrinsic motivation, and perceptions of reasons for discipline in Greek physical education classes. 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