

Looking back into trans persons’ experiences in heteronormative secondary physical education contexts

Jorge Fuentes-miguelVíctor Pérez-samaniegoJosé Devís-devísElena López-cañadaSofía Pereira-garcía


Sexual identity05 social sciences050301 educationPhysical Therapy Sports Therapy and RehabilitationGender studiesEducationPhysical educationTranssexual050903 gender studiesTransgenderHarassmentQueerOrthopedics and Sports Medicine0509 other social sciencesPsychology0503 educationSocial psychologyHeteronormativitySocial influence


ABSTRACTBackground: School is one of the primary settings where non-gender conformer children and adolescents emerge as vulnerable groups at high risk of suffering violence and harassment. Within schooling contexts, embodied experiences in physical education (PE) may become particularly problematic for trans students. However, there is little research focusing on trans persons’s experiences in PE. The purpose of this paper is to gather memories and impressions of a group of adult trans persons on their experiences in secondary PE.Theoretical framework: The concept of heteronormativity is used as a theoretical framework to provide insights and understanding to trans persons’s experiences in PE. It is used to characterize inequalities and hierarchies derived from the intersection of the dualistic logic of gender binarism with other social categories and ideologies. Heteronormative discourses also act regulating the way of looking at and over trans persons’ bodies, categorizing some of them as queer or abjec...
