

Levels of comprehension of scientific prose: the role of text variables

Vicente SanjoséEduardo Vidal-abarca


ComprehensionReading comprehensionRecallText structureDevelopmental and Educational PsychologyMathematics educationLinguisticsEducation


Abstract This research investigates the role played on shallow and deep levels of comprehension by textual changes that are aimed at: (a) improving the relationships within text ideas, and (b) producing better links between text ideas and the reader's knowledge. Four versions of a long physics passage were elaborated combining both kinds of textual changes. Four groups of tenth graders were each given one of the four versions. Different measures representative of these levels of comprehension were taken: getting main ideas, recall, and problem solving. The results indicated that: (a) main idea performance was affected by improving the relationships within text ideas, (b) both textual changes contributed separately to recall, and (c) problem solving increased only when the two changes were presented together.
