

El diario de Augusto Monterroso: La letra E

Giovanna Minardi


narrativa ispano-americana del '900diario letterarioaugusto monterroso


In El diario de Augusto Monterroso: La letra E (in Assunta Polizzi, Parole discorsi testi nelle culture ispaniche, a cura di, Palermo, Flaccovio, 2007, pp.21-36) the author reflects on the genre of the journal within the framework of the ‘modern’, halfway between the existential testimony and an exercise in writing; fiction and confession. The paper examines the journal of Augusto Monterroso, La letra E, a text focusing on the image of a writer continually searching for adequate forms of expression and his doubts on the very act of writing. La letra E thus ends up being a further testimony to the commitment of the writer to the written word and –at the same time- to his clear intention to pinpoint the modalities of the literary journal as genre, and consequently one of the forms, whether sophisticated or not, of lie, fiction and masking.
