

Luciano Perondi. 字母设计的攀登者 / Luciano Perondi. The Grimpeur of Alphabets

C. Ferrara


Settore ICAR/13 - Disegno IndustrialeLuciano Perondi Alphabets Design


平面设计涉及广泛,其中字体设计是一项耗时而细 致的工作,但是在意大利由于没有一个特殊的印 刷文化背景,不论在专业上还是经济上,字体设计 都没有得到适当的认可,并常常会被忽视。然而, 在我们国家,这是拉丁字符的摇篮,在世界印刷史 上,有一些堪称里程碑标志的伟大人物。其中, 15世纪Francesco Griffo设计了一种当时平装书使 用的字体,到了18世纪Giovan Battista Bodoni认 为这种字体得到了最广泛的认可,其以严谨和谐的 几何比例为特点。 今天有很多(而且往往不为人所知)英国设计师在 一个不稳定的社会经济背景下工作。因为,除了 已前面提到的文化缺陷外,设计师并没有得到足够 的重视。从专业受欢迎度来说,排版设计无论是专 业的严谨性、可塑性、还是天赋直觉都不比其他的 专业逊色。Luciano Perondi尽管年轻,但是在为 报纸、出版物、标志和视觉识别系统进行字符设计 方面具有重要的经验。在理论研究领域,他创办了 EXP团体,成员涉及心理学家、传播理论家、设计 师、符号学家、平面设计师和语言学家,对写作和 阅读等相关主题进行研究。 In the extensive field of graphic design there are specialized areas, such as the type design, which require a long, careful and meticulous work, not always recognized and appreciated in an appropriate way both economically and professionally, especially in countries like Italy, which don’t have a special typographical culture, unfortunately accompanied by a short memory. Yet in our country, which is the cradle of Latin characters, there were some great names that marked as milestones the history of typography all over the world. Among these, Francesco Griffo in '500 designed a character which then was used for the layout of paperback books, printed in Venice by Aldo Manunza. Giovan Battista Bodoni in '800 gave his name to one of the most widely recognized characters in the world, characterized by the rigorous and harmonious geometric proportions.
