

Silhouette encoding and synthesis using elliptic Fourier descriptors, and applications to videoconferencing

Benedetto BallaròFrancesco IsgròFrancesco IsgròDomenico Tegolo


Sequencebusiness.industryComputer scienceFrame (networking)ComputingMethodologies_IMAGEPROCESSINGANDCOMPUTERVISIONBinary numberFrame ratecomputer.software_genreLanguage and LinguisticsComputer Science ApplicationsSilhouetteHuman-Computer Interactionsymbols.namesakeFourier transformVideoconferencingComputer Science::Computational Engineering Finance and ScienceComputer Science::Computer Vision and Pattern RecognitionEncoding (memory)symbolsComputer visionArtificial intelligencebusinesscomputerComputingMethodologies_COMPUTERGRAPHICS


Abstract This paper investigates the use of elliptic Fourier descriptors as a shape descriptor for encoding the silhouette of a person. Shape descriptors are here used for predicting the shape of silhouettes in missing frames within a sequence. This prediction scheme is applied to the case of generating in-between images in a low frame rate videoconferencing system, where the reconstructed silhouette is used as a binary mask for reducing the computational time for the frame reconstruction.
