

Phytoplankton group identification with chemotaxonomic biomarkers: In combination they do better

E. PeltomaaH. AsikainenJ. BlomsterH. PakkanenC. RigaudP. SalmiS. Taipale


kemotaksonomiarasvahapotbiomarkkeritmonitorointiPlant ScienceHorticultureEukaryotic algaeCyanobacteriacyanobacteriaBiochemistrysterolsyanobakteeritMolecular BiologySterolsterolitCarotenoidsystematiikka (biologia)planktoneliöyhteisötGeneral MedicinemikrolevätFatty acid11831 Plant biologycarotenoideukaryotic algaekarotenoiditChemotaxonomychemotaxonomy1182 Biochemistry cell and molecular biologyfatty acid


Chemotaxonomic biomarkers are needed to monitor and evaluate the nutritional quality of phytoplankton communities. The biomolecules produced by different phytoplankton species do not always follow genetic phylogeny. Therefore, we analyzed fatty acids, sterols, and carotenoids from 57 freshwater phytoplankton strains to evaluate the usability of these biomolecules as chemotaxonomic biomarkers. We found 29 fatty acids, 34 sterols, and 26 carotenoids in our samples. The strains were grouped into cryptomonads, cyanobacteria, diatoms, dinoflagellates, golden algae, green algae, and raphidophytes, and the phytoplankton group explained 61%, 54%, and 89% of the variability of fatty acids, sterols, and carotenoids, respectively. Fatty acid and carotenoid profiles distinguished most phytoplankton groups, but not flawlessly. For example, fatty acids could not distinguish golden algae and cryptomonads, whereas carotenoids did not separate diatoms and golden algae. The sterol composition was heterogeneous but seemed to be useful for distinguishing different genera within a phytoplankton group. The chemotaxonomy biomarkers yielded optimal genetic phylogeny when the fatty acids, sterols, and carotenoids were used together in multivariate statistical analysis. Our results suggest that the accuracy of phytoplankton composition modeling could be enhanced by combining these three biomolecule groups. Peer reviewed
