

Phase Coherence in Conceptual Spaces for Conversational Agents

Lotfi A. ZadehArvind K. JoshiHeather YuPhillip SheuC. V. Ramamoorthy


Settore ING-INF/05 - Sistemi Di Elaborazione Delle InformazioniPattern matching versus intuitive matchingMatching (statistics)Theoretical computer scienceKnowledge representation and reasoningPhase coherenceHuman–computer interactionconversational agents enhancing usability of human–computer interfacePhase coherence in conceptual spaces for conversational agentsenhancing usability of human-computer interfacesPattern matchingphase coherence in conceptual spaces for conversational agentConversational agentsMathematics


This chapter attempts to enhance the traditional chatbots with associative/intuitive capabilities. According to these considerations, it tries to create a conversational agent model that takes into consideration, aside from the traditional rule - based dialogue mechanism, also some sort of intuitive reasoning ability. The aim is in attempting to overcome the rigid pattern - matching rules, proposing a "phase coherence" paradigm into a semantic space. With this locution the chapter intend that the vectors representing the elements of the dialogue are coherent with the context. The chapter trust that this intuitive - associative capability can be obtained using the LSA methodology. The representation of information in a LSA - based semantic, "conceptual," manifold and the resulting subsymbolic geometric representation of the chatbot knowledge can contribute to better design a humanlike conversational interface provided with both intuitive - associative capabilities and a rulebased dialogue skill.
