

Pēteris Čevers – no LU studenta līdz nacionālajam partizānam

Rūdolfs Rubenis


Nacionālā pretošanāsSecond World warStudent fraternitiesLatvijas UniversitāteAukstais karšStudentu korporācijasCold war:HUMANITIES and RELIGION::History and philosophy subjects::History subjects::History [Research Subject Categories]National rememberenceNacionālā piemiņaOtrais pasaules karšThe University of LatviaNational resistance


The article is a supplement to the biography of the professional Latvian officer Pēteris Čevers. Until now, little research has been done on the academic life of P. Čevers - his studies at the University of Latvia and his involvement in the life of the Latvian student fraternity Fraternitas Metropolitana. Based on the documents of the Latvian State Historical Archives and existing published research on P. Čevers as a Latvian national partisan, an innovative study of the unknown facts of P. Čevers personality, especially the internal problems of his student fraternal life and the maintaining of links with the University of Latvia through the Fraternitas Metropolitana, has been created. It also broadens the horizons of his World War II experiences on the Eastern Front.
