

An optimisation model for daily manpower allocation in transhipment container terminals

Di Francesco MP FaddaG FancelloP. ZuddasPatrizia Serra


Manpower planningHuman resources allocationTransshipment container terminal


This work is motivated by the manpower allocation problem arising at the Cagliari International Terminal Container. Generally speaking, human resources allocation plays a key role in terminals with high labor costs, in order to achieve high levels of productivity and quality services for customers. As a result, terminal containers exhibit a growing interest in advanced decision support systems, in which optimization methods play a crucial role. In this talk we present an optimization model for manpower allocation in transshipment container terminals. The objective is to determine the optimal daily allocation of crane operators and trailer drivers at an operational planning level, taking into account different requirements for permanent staff, external workers and personnel shortfall. The model is exactly solved by a state-of-art solver within reasonable times for the needs of terminal containers.
