

Human-robot teaming: Perspective on analysis and implementation issues

Chella A.Lanza F.Pipitone A.Seidita V.


Settore ING-INF/05 - Sistemi Di Elaborazione Delle InformazioniModels Cognitive systems Cognitive architectures


Interaction in a human-robot team in a changing environment is a big challenge. Several essential aspects that deserve investigation are at the base for efficient interactions. Among them the ability to produce a self-model and to apply elements from the theory of mind. This case is much more cumbersome than just implementing a system in which the various parts have to co-operate and collaborate to achieve a common goal. In the human-robot team, some factors that cannot be known before the execution phase intervene. Our goal is to investigate how a human-human team works and replicate it on the robot by defining a new cognitive architecture which attempts to model all the involved issues. This means enabling the robot with the capability to understand the world around, itself and the other, human or robot as well. In this paper, we present the first step towards the creation of a multi-agent architecture to realize human-robot teaming interaction.
