

Knowledge discovery for the linguistic atlas of sicily project

G. RussoA. GentileRoberto Pirrone


Settore ING-INF/05 - Sistemi Di Elaborazione Delle InformazioniKnowledge Discovery linguistic atlas


Theidentificationofnewusefulpatternsindataisacorepro- cess for intelligent systems. In this work a knowledge discovery method- ology to retrieve useful and novel information from data stored in a DBMS. This methodology is mainly used in the ALS (Linguistic Atlas of Sicily) Project. The ALS project is a joint effort led by researchers at the Dipartimento di Scienze Filologiche e Linguistiche of the University of Palermo that has the purpose to track and study the geo-linguistic and lexicographic processes about the function and usage of the Sicilian di- alect. The whole framework is based on the definition of ontology-based applications for the creation, retrieval, manipulation and browsing of re- lated data. The framework eventually shows the result as spatial maps. The on-going collaboration process is a perfect example of a domain hybridizing process, enabling the training on-the-field of a joint group of researchers who participate to the constitution of the core of a lo- cal humanities computing community. This works presents more deeply the process of knowledge discovery. Starting from conceptualization of few basic ideas, concepts have been extracted from the system’s DBMS through an XML-based mapping and used as building blocks for further investigations. The results are incrementally and automatically proposed to the researchers, who may determine to use them as new knowledge to maintain for further utilization or discard them.
