

Quasi-classical Physics Within Quantum Criticality in HF Compounds

Vladimir A. StephanovichMiron AmusiaVasily R. ShaginyanKonstantin G. Popov


PhysicsCriticalityCondensed matter physicsChemical physicsQuantum critical pointFermi surfaceFermionElectronZero soundClassical physicsQuantum


In this chapter, we explore how the fermion condensation paves the road for quasi-classical physics in HF compounds. This means simply that systems with FC admit partly the quasi-classical description of their thermodynamic and transport properties. This, in turn, simplifies a lot not only of their description but permits to gain more insights both in the puzzling NFL physics of HF compounds and of the physics of FC itself. The quasi-classical physics starts to be applicable near FCQPT, at which FC generates flat bands and quantum criticality, and makes the density of electron states in strongly correlated metals diverge. As we shall see, due to the formation of flat bands the strongly correlated metals exhibit the classical properties of elemental ones like copper, silver, aluminum, etc., for the strongly correlated metals demonstrate the quasi-classical behavior at low temperatures.
