12C + 12C large angle elastic scattering at 240 MeV
H. G. BohlenW. H. TrzaskaV. A. MaslovS. A. GoncharovA. N. DanilovG. P. TyurinA. S. DemyanovaA. A. OgloblinS. V. KhlebnikovYu. G. SobolevYu. E. Penionzkevichsubject
Maxima and minimaPhysicsElastic scatteringNuclear and High Energy PhysicsPhonon scatteringScatteringScattering lengthScattering theoryAtomic physicsInelastic scatteringSmall-angle neutron scatteringdescription
Abstract The measurement of the differential cross sections of the 12C + 12C and the 13C + 12C elastic scattering are carried out at the 12C energy 240 MeV and the 13C energy 250 MeV to solve some interpretation problem of the 12C + 12C scattering data. Is it possible that the 1st Airy minimum in 12C + 12C scattering data is missing? Our analysis shows that the positions of the 1st Airy minima obtained in former measurements are confirmed.
year | journal | country | edition | language |
2010-03-01 | Nuclear Physics A |