

A molecular analysis of some Eastern Atlantic grouper from the Epinephelus and Mycteroperca genus

Teresa MaggioFarid HemidaFranco AndaloroMarco Arculeo


ParaphylybiologyPhylogenetic treeCytochrome bEcologySettore BIO/05 - ZoologiaZoologyAquatic ScienceEpinephelusbiology.organism_classificationcyt bGenus16S rDNAGrouperMycteropercaMolecular clockPhylogenetic analysesEcology Evolution Behavior and SystematicsMycteropercaEpinephelu


Abstract Mitochondrial cytochrome b (397 bp) and 16S rDNA (516 bp) sequences analysis was used to investigate the phylogenetic relationships among some Eastern Atlantic Epinephelinae species. Six species of Epinephelus ( E. aeneus , E. caninus , E. costae , E. haifensis , E. marginatus and E. tauvina ) and two species of Mycteroperca ( M. rubra and M. fusca ) were analysed. Neighbour-joining and maximum-parsimony analysis support the paraphyletic grouping of the Epinephelus and Mycteroperca analysed. The maximum pairwise nucleotide divergence value in cyt b among all taxa was 0.196 between E. aeneus and E. marginatus and the minimum value was 0.006 between E. costae and M. rubra . Meanwhile, in 16S sequence analysis, the maximum value is 0.093 between E. aeneus and E. tauvina and the minimum value is 0.011 between E. marginatus and M. rubra. Molecular clock estimates for the species suggest a divergence time of 20–24 mya, which coincides with the Miocene period. A molecular analysis was also conducted, using other Epinephelinae sequences from GenBank in order to improve our understanding of the phyletic status of the Epinephelus and Mycteroperca species analysed.
