

Spatially Dependent Decoherence and Anomalous Diffussion of Quantum Walks

Alejandro RomanelliArmando Pérez Cañellas


PhysicsQuantum PhysicsQuantum WalkWork (thermodynamics)Quantum decoherenceNon-Translational InvarianceFísicaFOS: Physical sciencesDecoherenceGeneral ChemistryCondensed Matter PhysicsComputational MathematicsQuantum mechanicsGeneral Materials ScienceQuantum walkElectrical and Electronic EngineeringQuantum Physics (quant-ph)


We analyze the long time behavior of a discrete time quantum walk subject to decoherence with a strong spatial dependence, acting on one half of the lattice. We show that, except for limiting cases on the decoherence parameter, the quantum walk at late times behaves sub-ballistically, meaning that the characteristic features of the quantum walk are not completely spoiled. Contrarily to expectations, the asymptotic behavior is non Markovian, and depends on the amount of decoherence. This feature can be clearly shown on the long time value of the Generalized Chiral Distribution (GCD).
