

Neanderthal firewood management: Evidence from Stratigraphic Unit IV of Abric del Pastor (Eastern Iberia)

Cristo M. HernándezCarolina MallolPaloma Vidal-matutanoBertila Galván


ArcheologyGlobal and Planetary ChangeTaphonomyNeanderthalPleistocenebiologyEcologyStratigraphic unitGeologyFirewoodbiology.organism_classificationArchaeologyPrehistòriaMiddle Paleolithicbiology.animalJuniperEcology Evolution Behavior and SystematicsRock shelterGeology


This paper presents anthracological data from Abric del Pastor (Alcoi, Spain), a Middle Paleolithic rock shelter site. Analysis of 1077 wood charcoal remains from Stratigraphic Unit IV (S.U. IV), collected within archaeological combustion structures and from loose sediment outside of structures, allowed us to characterise the local landscape, as well as to approach the interaction between Neanderthal groups and their local environment. Taxonomic identification suggests that firewood was gathered from nearby sources, with predominance of juniper (Juniperus sp.) followed by thermophilous shrubby taxa. Additional analysis focussing on post-depositional processes affecting charcoal have shown features indicative of biodegradation and mechanical action. The results of this study contribute significant anthracological data towards our understanding of Late Pleistocene Mediterranean landscapes and Neanderthal forest management in this region.
