

Influence of bed roughness on flow and turbulence structure around a partially-buried, isolated freshwater mussel

T. LazzarinG. ConstantinescuL. Di MiccoH. WuF. LavignaniM. Lo BruttoD. TerminiD. P. Viero


filtering activityturbulencefreshwater mussel turbulence gravel bed roughness filtering activity computational fluid dynamicscomputational fluid dynamicsfreshwater musselSettore ICAR/06 - Topografia E CartografiaGravel bed Bed roughness Numerical Simulations Flow Field Turbulence StructureSettore ICAR/01 - IdraulicaWater Science and Technologygravel bedroughness


The present study uses eddy-resolving numerical simulations to investigate how bed roughness affects flow and turbulence structure around an isolated, partially-buried mussel (Unio elongatulus) aligned with the incoming flow. The rough-bed simulations resolve the flow past the exposed part of a gravel bed, whose surface is obtained from a laboratory experiment that also provides some additional data for validation of the numerical model. Results are also discussed for the limiting case of a horizontal smooth bed. Additionally, the effects of varying the level of burial of the mussel inside the substrate and the discharge through the two mussel siphons are investigated via a set of simulations in which the ratio between the median diameter of the (gravel) particles forming the rough bed, d50, and the height of the exposed part of the mussel, h, varies between 0.10 and 0.22. The increase of the bed roughness is associated with a strong amplification of the turbulence kinetic energy in the near-wake region. Increasing the bed roughness and/or reducing h intensifies the interactions of the eddies generated by the bed particles with the base and tip vortices induced by the active filtering and by the mussel shell, respectively, which, in turn, induces a more rapid dissipation of these vortices. Increasing the bed roughness also reduces the strength of the main downwelling flow region forming in the wake. The strong downwelling near the symmetry plane is the main reason why the symmetric wake shedding mode dominates in the smooth bed simulations with negligible active filtering. By contrast, the anti-symmetric wake shedding mode dominates in the simulations conduced with a high value of the bed roughness. The mean streamwise drag force coefficient for the emerged part of the shell and the dilution of the excurrent siphon jet increase with increasing bed roughness.
