

Extracting Structured Knowledge From Sensor Data for Hybrid Simulation

Marco Ortolani


Settore ING-INF/05 - Sistemi Di Elaborazione Delle InformazioniAmbient intelligenceComputer scienceTheoretical modelsinternet of things wireless sensor networks grammar inductionContext (language use)computer.file_formatData scienceSoftware deploymentHuman–computer interactionSensor nodeRDFWireless sensor networkcomputer


Obtaining continuous and detailed monitoring of indoor environments has today become viable, also thanks to the widespread availability of effective and flexible sensing technology; this paves the way for the design of practical Ambient Intelligence systems, and for their actual deployment in real-life contexts, which require advanced functionalities, such as for instance the automatic discovery of the activities carried on by users. Novel issues arise in this context; on one hand, it is important to reliably model the phenomena under observation even though, to this end, it is often necessary to craft a carefully designed prototype in order to test and fine-tune the theoretical models.
