

Suullisen kielitaidon ja ääntämisen tutkimuksesta soveltavan kielentutkimuksen alalla Suomessa

Tommi NieminenMikko KuronenPekka Lintunen


JohdantoartikkeliGeneral Energyspoken communicationlearningoppiminensuullinen kielitaitoääntäminenopetuspronunciationteaching


 AFinLA’s research network for Speech and Spoken Language Research was established in 2014. This is the first thematic publication from the network. This introductory article introduces and classifies the other articles in this collection. In addition, we examine earlier AFinLA publications from the preceding four decades and evaluate the extent of pronunciation or spoken language research in AFinLA’s publication series. In our analysis, we noticed that studies related to pronunciation or spoken language research formed ca. 12 % of the total volume of published articles. There has been a slight proportional decrease in number during the decades. Spoken language studies have been more common than studies focusing on pronunciation. The tar- get languages have been most commonly either Finnish or English. The main focus has often been on learning or assessing foreign language skills, but studies focusing on the teaching of pronunciation or spoken language have so far been very rare in Finland.
