

Correlation between FIB4, liver stiffness and metabolic parameters in patients with HIV and hepatitis C virus co-infection.

Giorgio BarbariniS.f.a. PatrunoValentina ZuccaroCatherine KlersyCalogero CammàGaetano FiliceRaffaele BrunoSerena CimaLaura MaiocchiPaolo Sacchi


AdultLiver CirrhosisMalemedicine.medical_specialtyHepatitis C virusHIV InfectionsHepacivirusmedicine.disease_causeGastroenterologyFibrosisInterquartile rangeInternal medicinemedicineHumansRetrospective StudiesHepatologybusiness.industryFibroTestGastroenterologyHIVHepatitis C ChronicMiddle Agedmedicine.diseaseVirologyElasticityCross-Sectional StudiesLiverROC CurveHomeostatic model assessmentCoinfectionRNA ViralFemaleMetabolic syndromeTransient elastographybusinessFollow-Up Studies


Assessment of liver fibrosis is crucial in HIV/HCV coinfected patients, in whom metabolic disturbances are frequent. Aims of this study were to analyse the association of two non-invasive liver fibrosis evaluation methods, liver stiffness measurement and FIB4, and their correlation with metabolic parameters.This was a single centre cross-sectional study. All patients underwent biochemical and virological assessment, FIB4 score, HOMA and transient elastography.Seventy-five patients were evaluated. Liver stiffness values positively correlated with FIB4 (R = 0.62; p0.0001). By ROC curve analysis the optimal cut-off for liver stiffness to identify high FIB4 was calculated as 10.1 kPa. The area under the ROC curve was 0.78 (95% CI 0.78-0.94, sensitivity 83.3%, specificity 80.7%). Liver stiffness values positively correlated with HOMA score (R = 0.31; p = 0.006).The combination of two non invasive tools provide a useful system for the assessment of fibrosis evolution in patients with HIV-HCV coinfection.
