Maternal homework assistance and children's task-persistent behavior in elementary school
Jaana ViljarantaGintautas SilinskasMarja-kristiina LerkkanenRiikka HirvonenEija PakarinenAnna-maija PoikkeusJari-erik Nurmisubject
oppimineneducationtask-persistent behavioritsenäisyys (yksilöt)autonomiakotitehtäväthelpmonitorointiäiditautonomy grantingperformancesuoriutuminenauttaminendescription
The present study used a sample of 365 children to investigate the longitudinal associations between maternal homework assistance (i.e., help, monitoring, and autonomy granting) and children's task-persistent behavior in learning situations from grade 2 to grade 4 of elementary school. Also, the extent to which task-persistent behavior plays a role in the links between parental homework assistance and children's academic performance was examined. The results showed that the more autonomy granting mothers reported, the more task-persistent behavior children exhibited; and more task-persistent behavior children exhibited, the more autonomy their mothers granted. In contrast, the more mothers helped their children, the less task-persistent behavior was reported, and the less task-persistent behavior children exhibited, the more mothers tried to help and monitor their children later on. Additionally, some evidence was found supporting the role of task-persistent behavior in the relation between maternal homework assistance and academic performance. peerReviewed
year | journal | country | edition | language |
2018-01-01 |