Intraspezifische Unterschiede der relativen Hirngrösse beim Löwen (Panthera leo L.)
H. Hemmersubject
PharmacologybiologyEcologyZoologyCell Biologybiology.organism_classificationMammalian brainCellular and Molecular Neurosciencebiology.animalAmerican lionBrain sizeMolecular MedicineQuantitative expressionAllometryPantheraMolecular Biologydescription
Different stages of brain evolution expressed by the allometric relation of3√ brain capacity and basal length of the skull are shown to be existent in the speciesPanthera leo. Whereas Asiatic lions obviously have the same level of brain size as leopards (Panthera pardus), African lions have higher brain capacities. A third level seems to be represented by the upper pleistocene American lion,Panthera leo atrox. These results permit us to reject some conceptions ofHerre andRohrs13 concerning the quantitative expression of mammalian brain evolution.
year | journal | country | edition | language |
1971-12-01 | Experientia |