

Electron microscopy of gold nanoparticles at atomic resolution

Maia AzubelSami MalolaHironori TsunoyamaTatsuya TsukudaHannu HäkkinenDavid A. BushnellAi Leen KohJaakko KoivistoRoger D. KornbergGreg L. HuraMika Pettersson


MultidisciplinaryMaterials scienceta114Scatteringatomic resolutionAnalytical chemistryelektronimikroskopiaInfrared spectroscopyNanotechnologylaw.inventionlawTransmission electron microscopyColloidal goldgold nanoparticlesAtomNanometreDensity functional theoryElectron microscopeta116


Detailed structure of a gold nanoparticle Adding only a few atoms or changing the capping ligand can dramatically change the structure of individual metal nanoparticles. Azubel et al. used aberration-corrected transmission electron microscopy to derive a three-dimensional reconstruction of water-soluble gold nanoparticles. Small-angle x-ray scattering and other techniques have also corroborated this model. They used this to determine the atomic structure, which compared favorably with density functional theory calculations, without assuming any a priori structural knowledge or the use of model fitting. Science , this issue p. 909
