

Moisture source in the Hyblean mountains region (south-eastern Sicily,Italy):Evidence from stable isotopes signature

F. GrassaRocco FavaraMariano Valenza


ISLANDGeochemistryAquiferWATERSSedimentary depositional environmentHYDROLOGYGeochemistry and PetrologyEnvironmental ChemistryPrecipitationMT-ETNARAINFALLHydrologygeographygeography.geographical_feature_categoryStable isotope ratioAREAGroundwater rechargeOBJECTIVE CLIMATOLOGYPollutionPRECIPITATIONGROUNDWATER RECHARGEMeteoric waterMEDITERRANEAN REGIONSurface waterGeologyGroundwater


Abstract Here the authors present results of an isotope study on precipitation collected during a 2-a period from a rain-gauge network consisting of 6 stations located at different elevations in the Hyblean Mountains (HM) region, in south-eastern Sicily. The slope of the local meteoric water line ( δD  = 6.50 δ 18 O + 9.87) obtained for the region suggests that precipitation is affected by evaporation during rainfall events. The main variations in rainwater isotope composition are due to seasonal effects and elevation. An average 2 H excess value of +21.2‰ was found for precipitation events less affected by evaporation (i.e. when the rainfall was >65 mm/month). The spatial distribution of O isotope composition of precipitation shows a negative gradient from east and south to the inner areas. The depositional rate of Cl, used as a tracer of the origin of air masses, is highest at the coastal rain-gauges (SR and MRG stations) and lowest on the northern flank of the HM region (SC station). Based on these findings, a model is proposed for the origin of precipitation in the HM region, which assumes that a Mediterranean-derived component is the main source of moisture in the studied area. D/H and 18 O/ 16 O ratios of inferred meteoric recharge waters were also compared with the isotope composition of waters collected from the main local springs and wells. The best linear fit of the δ 18 O vs δD relationship for Hyblean groundwater is δD  = 4.85 δ 18 O–2.01. The enrichment of heavy isotopes in Hyblean groundwater is probably due to evaporation occurring after precipitation events or to a recharging contribution from surface waters (lakes or rivers) enriched in heavy isotopes.
