

P. Col. VII, 175: Aspetti giuridici di un verbale d’udienza.

Monica De Simone


recitatioP. Col. VII 175calumnia actoris.Settore IUS/18 - Diritto Romano E Diritti Dell'Antichita'FIRA III2 101rescriptalongissimi temporis praescriptiodefensor civitati


This study provides the full text of the P. Col. VII. 175 translated into Italian, concerning the transcript of a hearing conducted in front of Arsinoite’s σύνδικος in A.D. 339, and known in the field of doctrine as it cites a Constantine’s constitution regarding the longissimi temporis praescriptio. After reconstructing the trial and the early events preceding the lawsuit, defining the trial roles and detecting the nature of action and the reason why it was filed, the author has analysed the different juridical profiles of the text such as the evidence of the judicial function of the dell’ἐπάρχος τῆς Αἰγύπτου; the judgemental function of the σύνδικος and the difficulty of identifying him as the defensor civitatis; the probable reference to calumnia actoris; the nature of the constitution; the awkward reconstruction of the text and its identification with the lex costantiniana mentioned in C.7.39.2 pr.
