

Pincìpi e naufragi: alcune critiche alla nuova filosofia per il diritto internazionale di Ronald Dworkin e il caso emblematico delle politiche in atto nel Mediterraneo centrale

Alessandra Sciurba


Settore IUS/20 - Filosofia Del DirittoRonald Dworkin International Law Principles of Salience and Mitigation Mediterranean Sea.


This contribution critically analyzes Ronald Dworkin's New Philosophy for International Law, by underlying how, his theory of law as interpretation, if transposed to the level of the relations between states, more clearly shows some weaknesses which are mainly connected with the ideality of its fundamental assumptions. After having introduced the fundamental aspects of Dworkin's reflection on international law, the specific contents of the particular principles - of mitigation and salience - that Dworkin places at the basis of his vision of international law are critically analyzed in the face of the prerogatives of contemporary national sovereignty and in relation to the structural limits of human rights. Migration policies in the Central Mediterranean Sea are therefore taken as an example not only of how far the contemporary condition is from accepting the normativity of Dowrkin's theory of international law, but also of how fragile its assumptions can be, even revealing themselves to be counterproductive precisely with respect to the objectives which Dworkin set out to achieve.
