

Examining pre-service teachers' Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge as evolving knowledge domains : A longitudinal approach

Teemu ValtonenErkko SointuJari KukkonenKati MakitaloNhi HoangPaivi HakkinenSanna JarvelaPiia NaykkiAnne VirtanenSusanna PontinenEmma KostiainenJo Tondeur


pre‐service teachersICT in educationkoulutustieto- ja viestintätekniikkalongitudinal researchTPACKpitkittäistutkimusopettajankoulutuspre-service teacherslatent growth curve modelling


The aim of this study is to outline the development and changes in pre‐service teachers' technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) assessments during the first 3 years in teacher education. Specifically, research was conducted at three measurement points over a 3‐year teacher education period. The target group consisted of pre‐service teachers (N = 148) from three Finnish universities. Results indicate a growth in confidence related to all TPACK areas during the research period. The strongest gains were in pedagogical content knowledge. In addition, the gains were larger in other areas related to pedagogical knowledge than areas related to technology or content knowledge. In areas without pedagogical knowledge, the changes were more moderate. In the discussion section, recommendations are provided on the potential of longitudinal use of the TPACK model to study and improve the development of pre‐service teachers' TPACK. peerReviewed
