Developing pedagogical practices under umbrellas of different colours
Hannu L. T. Heikkinensubject
pedagogiikkaAristotledidaktiikkaaction researchsociology of knowledgepedagogical developmenttoimintatutkimusknowledge and human intereststiedonsosiologialcsh:L7-991pedagoginen ajattelulcsh:Education (General)description
The aim of this article is to introduce different ways to conceptualise approaches aimed at improving practices by combining practitioners’ professional work and research. In historical terms, the oldest of these approaches is action research which was introduced in the 1940’s. Thereafter, approaches combining practical work with academic aspirations have been conceptualised in a number of ways, such as design research, translational research, developmental work research (DWR) and practitioner research, and their numerous versions and combinations. Secondly, the purpose of this paper is, from a philosophical and theoretical perspective, to examine the relationship between theoretical and practical aims of research by integrating Aristotle’s classical views on epistemology with the theory of knowledge and human interests of Jürgen Habermas. The methodological approach of this article is a theoretical and philosophical analysis of the literature.
year | journal | country | edition | language |
2019-11-01 | Eesti Haridusteaduste Ajakiri |