

Kulttuuripolitiikan visiot ja jatkuvuus : katsaus Suomen puolueiden kevään 2019 eduskuntavaaliohjelmiin ja tuoreimpiin kulttuuripoliittisiin erityisohjelmiin

Olli JakonenVappu Renko


taidepolitiikkakulttuuripolitiikkavaaliohjelmat (suunnitelmat)puolueeteduskuntavaalit


Political parties are significant cultural political influencers: they are in key positions to define cultural policy and how it is implemented in society. Parties have attitudes and interests toward culture that they inform about through their different programme documents such as broad general programmes, more narrow art and cultural policy and other policy sector specific programmes, and election programmes that delineate parties’ goals for the following electoral period. In this review, we concentrate on the latter ones. Through the parties’ parliamentary election programmes of 2019 and their most recent cultural policy special programmes we examine the parties’ cultural political discourses and their visions of public cultural policy goals. The review shows that although there are differences between the parties’ cultural political discourses’ scope and content, all parties are commited to the prevailing system of public cultural policy. This reflcets the strong position that central administration holds in Finnish cultural policy. However, the parties’ viewpoints in defining culture and cultural political goals expand the limits of this sector administration that is in many aspects well established. peerReviewed
