

Mind the gaps. Gender gaps in the education-to-work transition in mediterranean European countries

Anna Giulia Ingellis


gender school work young people


Mind the gaps es el report del análisis cuantitativo relativamente a las brechas de género en educación y en el trabajo en los países del Mediterraneo, que se realizó en el marco del proyecto Free to choose. Presenta por tanto los datos relativos a los principales indicadores de desigualdad de género en estos países en una perspectiva comparativa. Se encuentran los datos de cada uno de los países involucrado en la investigación (Cypre, Italia, Portugal y España)y en comparación con las medias Europeas. Free to choose The present report presents the main results of the Mind the Gap research, the quantitative element of a more complex mixed-method study, Operational Map. Its main aim has been to produce evidence-based knowledge on which to found the intervention part the EU-funded Free to Choose (FtC) project: the design, testing and implementation of a game addressing the reduction of gender stereotypes which act against gender equality at work. Therefore, we can state that the Operational Map research project has pursued two general objectives. The first is to draw an overall picture of gender gaps in the labour market and educational systems of the countries involved. The second is to provide a deep analysis of stereotypes existing in the two main groups targeted by the project: young people and adults with key roles in education, orientation and training. Work stream 1 of the FtC project compares the statistically based model emerging from the quantitative arm of the research (Mind the Gap) with the subjective perceptions of the actors involved in the complex and multidimensional phenomenon of youngsters’ education- to-work transition, explored and analysed in the qualitative arm of the research, Coming Out. While Mind the Gap, whose results are presented in the present report, has explored and analysed the several forms of gender gap present in the Southern European countries involved in the project (Cyprus, Italy, Portugal, Slovenia and Spain), Coming Out has explored the existence and persistence of gender stereotypes and their influence in the transition from education to work, from a subjective perspective. Both arms of the FtC project have a double objective. The first is to generate new findings to augment the existing scientific knowledge of existing gaps and the impact on them of gender stereotypes within the labour market and educational systems, and to disseminate our contribution among the international academic community interested in gender studies. On the other hand, the project aims to transmit the knowledge obtained to the diverse stakeholders, such as the other partners who will develop the game and carry out the training, young people and key actors in education, training and orientation systems in each country, in addition to local authorities potentially interested in policies to counter gender gaps. The present report focuses exclusively on the Mind the Gap results
