

Barriers to Responsible Consumption in e-Commerce : Evidence from Fashion Shoppers

Markus MakkonenTiina KemppainenLauri FrankOona-iina Hyvönen


Consumption (economics)vähittäiskauppabusiness.industryverkkokauppavastuullisuusyhteiskuntavastuuqualitative studyE-commerceonline shoppingkuluttajakäyttäytyminenostopäätöksetCommerceresponsible consumptionmuotikuluttajate-commercefashion retailbusiness


This qualitative study investigates the barriers to responsible consumption in e-commerce from the online shoppers’ viewpoint. The purpose of the study is to increase our understanding of what prevents young adults from making responsible purchases in online stores in the context of fashion retail. The data were collected by interviewing ten Finnish fashion shoppers aged 23-27 years. The findings show that responsible consumption is perceived as complex and challenging. The study identified barriers related to online stores and consumers themselves. Online store implementation (product availability, information and transparency, and pricing) is vital in facilitating online shoppers’ responsible purchasing decisions. However, consumers’ personal consumption patterns and habits, and problems related to time use and responsibility assessment, can also be constraints on responsible consumption. Future studies are encouraged to investigate how online solutions, such as user interfaces, online tools, and apps, could better assist consumers in overcoming the identified barriers.
