

Application of Statistical Process Control to Continuous Processes

S. FicheraGiovanni CelanoAntonio Costa


Computer scienceautocorrelationAutocorrelationProcess (computing)average run lengthCUSUMControl engineeringStatistical process controlControl chartState (computer science)EWMA chartcontrol chartscontrol charts; autocorrelation; average run lengthTime complexity


Control charts represent an efficient and easy tool to assure the state of statistical quality control in a manufacturing process. These tools are also implemented in continuous processes, where the critical parameters are often monitored by on line sensors measuring data with short time intervals. In this paper a continuous process is monitored by using control charts and its dynamic is modeled through linear time series that allow the effects of the autocorrelation to be eliminated. In this way, the control charts can operate on residuals that result identically and independently distributed. A statistical analysis on EWMA, CUSUM and control charts for individual measurements has been carried out to select the most performing tool for process monitoring.
