

Trading with Asymmetric Volatility Spillovers

Hipòlit TorróÁNgel Pardo Tornero


ExploitFinancial economicsMonetary economicsImplied volatilityVolatility risk premiumShock (economics)Trading rulesVolatility swapAccountingVolatility smileEconomicsEconometricsBusiness Management and Accounting (miscellaneous)Expected returnTrading strategyProfitability indexProject portfolio managementVolatility (finance)Finance


:  We study the profitability of trading strategies based on volatility spillovers between large and small firms. By using the Volatility Impulse-Response Function of Lin (1997) and its extensions, we detect that any volatility shock coming from small companies is important to large companies, but the reverse is only true for negative shocks coming from large firms. To exploit these asymmetric patterns in volatility, different trading rules are designed based on the inverse relationship existing between expected return and volatility. We find that most strategies generate excess after-transaction cost profits, especially after very bad news and very good news coming from large or small firm markets. These results are of special interest because of their implications for risk and portfolio management.
